pinker despre evolutionistii care vor sa fie si moralisti dar nu prea le iese: we value music, therefore want it to be an adaptation; we deplore violence, selfishness, tribalism, rape, and sex differences, therefore want them not to be adaptations

I have still not seen a bona fide adaptive explanation for music. Ironically, when it comes to music, everyone is a rabid, evidence-free, panglossian, just-so-story loving adaptationist,

while when it comes to psychological phenomena for which we have enormous bodies of empirical evidence, they are in a state of denial. I think it's the moralistic fallacy again:

 we value music, therefore want it to be an adaptation;

 we deplore violence, selfishness, tribalism, rape, and sex differences, therefore want them not to be adaptations

Acesta este un blog de descrieri si masuratori, nu toate serioase, multe din ele naive sau gresite. In blog intra lucruri care mi-au atras atentia. Nu e scris blogul cu intentia de a da sfaturi cuiva