gasit cu chatgpt o solutie la: Facut rapid un pdf din toate screenshoturile zilei, salvate inainte intr-un singur fisier. Sau din orice fisier de imagini only. Pentru cine lucreaza mult cu screenshoturi. In mac, chatgpt imi spune ca cel mai usor e cu Automator app, in care creezi un workflow, bagi datele, dai run si salvezi.

If you need to do this frequently, you might want to create a quick Automator workflow to streamline the process:

1. Open Automator:

Open Automator from the Applications folder.

2. Create a New Workflow:

Choose “Workflow” as the type of document.

3. Add Actions:

In the left sidebar, search for “Get Specified Finder Items” and drag it to the workflow area.

Click the “Add” button and select the images you want to include.

Next, search for “New PDF from Images” and drag it to the workflow area.

4. Configure and Run:

Configure any settings for the PDF creation as needed.

Click the “Run” button in the top right corner to execute the workflow.

5. Save the Workflow:

Save the workflow if you want to use it again in the future by selecting “File” > “Save”.

Acesta este un blog de descrieri si masuratori, nu toate serioase, multe din ele naive sau gresite. In blog intra lucruri care mi-au atras atentia. Nu e scris blogul cu intentia de a da sfaturi cuiva